Bauma 2025: Focus on road construction!

Invitation to the bauma 2025 trade fair in Munich
Stand outdoor area FN 623/14

Our focus this year is on low-loaders, which are suitable for the efficient transport of road construction machines such as pavers, milling machines or rollers thanks to their outstanding design details. Thanks to a particularly flat and low drive-on angle and great equipment details, the vehicles enable safe transport and easy loading!

This is guaranteed by a sophisticated design that is specially tailored to the needs of modern construction companies. For example, operating the heavy tail lifts is easier and faster than ever thanks to an innovative electro-hydraulic pump in combination with a radio remote control or mobile phone app!

Another highlight at bauma 25 is the 19-tonne three-way tipper, which has been specially developed for transporting heavy construction machinery and bulk goods. With its low loading height, wing doors and pneumatic, automatic tailgate opening, this vehicle sets new standards in terms of efficiency and flexibility.

We cordially invite all interested parties to experience the new products live and see the innovative solutions for construction machinery transport for themselves. Visit us from 7 April to 13 April 2025 at stand 623/14 in the outdoor area. Our experts will be on hand to answer your questions and provide personalised advice!



Everything for road construction!

Machines used in civil engineering and road construction such as pavers, milling machines, rollers, wheel loaders, excavators etc. often have to be loaded and transported on trailers. Loading and securing – including construction site barriers – should be done quickly. Downtime on the road costs you a lot of money, especially as pavers, for example, cannot be loaded onto just any trailer. It is therefore worth paying attention to the quality of the trailer.

Pavers in particular have such low ground clearance that they can only be driven onto low-loaders with a drive-on angle of approx. 10° without any problems. We have the solution!

For milling machines, it makes sense to secure the loading conveyor quickly; for rollers, on the other hand, access is made easier if a rubber coating is fitted to the ramps. We have the solution!

Construction site barriers and construction machinery must be stowed and secured in a back-friendly manner. We have the solution!

In our more than 60 years of company history, we have received many requests from customers for the optimum trailer for road construction applications. We have compiled some of the successful implementations of customized vehicles in this brochure:

Brochure 2024: Everything for Road construction (german)!

With our many years of experience, we will be happy to advise you on how the trailer should be equipped and designed to transport your machines. Tell us about your machines and your requirements – and we will be happy to offer you a customized low-loader or tipper.


Tiltable low-loader for difficult-to-load risers

Some machines are so difficult to load due to their length, wheelbase or ground clearance that only tiltable low-loaders with a level driveway and minimum drive-on angle are suitable for transportation. This is the case with this machine – a Ruthmann Steiger:

We have developed a type 1020/10500 low-loader especially for such machines, which is very easy and quick to operate! The loading platform is tilted electro-hydraulically and the ramps are lowered. The result is a straight loading surface with a drive-on angle of just 8.6°.


Tilting the cargo bed is done in seconds: there is a radio remote control or a cable remote control. The power supply to the towing vehicle is established via a 2-pin NATO socket. The laterally sliding ramps have been made narrower for the riser so that the basket fits between the ramps.

Everything is made to measure and fit exactly for this machine!


All trailers with compressed air brakes require the following from registration date 07/2024 eine Reifendruckkontrolle (RDK/TPMS)!

The countdown is on! In just under 70 days from July 2024, all newly registered vehicles must be equipped with a tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS). This is regulated in UN ECE-R141. The main requirement in the regulation: if a tyre pressure loss of 20% or a malfunction occurs, the driver must receive a warning in the cab within 10 minutes.

What is this supposed to achieve?

More safety on our roads! The RDK/TPMS warns the driver of problems in real time and thus helps to prevent accidents.
Greater efficiency! The correct tyre pressure makes the tyre more efficient and durable, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
Sustainability! The right tyre pressure optimises fuel consumption and therefore reduces costs.

Our important message to you: we are well prepared for this and have had our vehicles tested and approved with the new equipment!
In our price list valid since March 2024, we have included the necessary equipment for tyre pressure monitoring.

This necessary equipment will be

Each wheel must be fitted with a sensor.
A control unit is required as an electronic interface to the brake system for the sensor messages
Communication between the control unit and the towing vehicle requires an electronic braking system (EBS)

We have tested and approved TPMS systems from various manufacturers for our low-loaders and tippers. We start with the following equipment and offer the following solution for our vehicles for the implementation of UNECE R-141:

1. as we need maximum flexibility with regard to tyre sizes or manufacturers in order to be able to meet the various customer requirements, we will start with a system with screw-on valves from BPW. This means that the valve sensors can simply be unscrewed and reused in the event of defective tyres. If the batteries in the sensors fail, it is easier to replace them without removing the tyre cover. Replacement wheels do not have to be fitted with sensors, but can simply be retrofitted.


However, the vehicle owner still needs to know that each sensor must be electronically assigned to a wheel! Otherwise he will constantly receive error messages.

Re 2: The BPW control system we have installed offers entry into telematics and thus a great additional benefit through digital data retrieval: detailed information on tyre pressure and temperature, retrieval and monitoring of EBS data, alarm settings, introduction of a digital maintenance calendar, retrieval of the vehicle position, etc. are possible

Re 3: The electronic interface also requires an EBS brake system – in other words, older ABS brake systems are a thing of the past. The required tyre pressure control cannot be implemented via this. All air-braked low-loaders and tippers will have to be equipped with EBS brake systems in the future!

The use of EBS brake systems in combination with parabolic spring units is rather exotic on the market and can lead to technical problems. However, as we have been using EBS brake systems in our trailers over 10 tonnes since 2013 and have already gained a lot of experience in this area, this changeover will not be a major challenge for us!

All 8.9 tonne low-loaders and tippers now come with automatic parking and spring-loaded brakes as standard! The 8.9t vehicles can also be ordered loaded to 9.5t GG – only the tyres change. The customer automatically has 600kg more payload.

It is not possible to equip the 5-tonne vehicles with spring-loaded brakes, as the appropriate cylinders are not available. They are still supplied with crank brakes, but are also fitted with the EBS brake system.


18t three-way tipper with automatic tailgate opening!

Since the desire of many construction companies to transport heavy construction machinery with three-way tippers with large single tyres and thus to have a universally usable trailer is unbroken, our development department completely revised the design of the single-tyre tandem three-way tipper last year and developed a very low and thus safe and easy-to-load tipper:
our type 890/18000-2 with wide tyres 385/55 R 22.5 and a loading area length of 5.50m has a loading height of only 1.13m – although it has 10t ramp rails inserted under the loading area! This low loading height combined with long ramp rails ensures an extremely acceptable ramp angle of 17°!

Drive-up angle of 17°, ramps with 10t load capacity per pair, weight per ramp: 66kg

With the standard loading area length of 5.50m and 600mm high drop sides, it has a loading volume of 8m³. The loading volume is sufficient for 14.6t of limestone ballast, 12t of topsoil or 12.5t of gravel. Extendable aluminium loading rails with 10t load capacity are inserted under the tipper bridge with HARDOX floor – 12t ramps (72kg/ramp) are also possible with unchanged loading height! This means that even common 10-12t excavators or wheel loaders can be loaded easily. The load floor height is kept extremely low at 1.13m, but thanks to the wide tyres it has a high ground clearance for driving in gravel pits or uneven terrain, for example.

Swinging wing door: Ramps do not need to be put down before hanging!

A completely new feature is the possible design of the rear drop side as a swinging wing door. With this option, the annoying putting down of the ramps is no longer necessary! This tailgate can also be operated very conveniently via our new automatic tailgate opening. We have chosen a pneumatic solution: when tipping backwards, two pneumatic valves give the signal to a cylinder to open or close the hooks at the rear. The valves are supplied via the trailer’s compressed air system. No further connections are necessary!

Prospekt Dreiseitenkipper 890-18000-2


This is also how our tipper type 890/18000-2 can be used: equipped with an asphalt thermal container for road construction! The asphalt container was built by our long-standing partner ATC-Richter from Hessisch-Lichtenau and is easily removable if the tipper is to be used for transporting machinery or bulk materials.

A trailer really cannot be used more universally!

Bauma 2022 – Rückblick

They were exhausting but “uplifting” days at the end of October 2022!

The bauma in Munich from 24.10.-31.10.22 was again very well frequented with almost 500,000 visitors. Our dedicated bauma team has had countless discussions. Above all, the proportion of foreign prospective customers was very high, contrary to our expectations! From Finland to Spain (north to south in Europe) – from Iceland to Bangladesh (non-European) interested customers were there. In the follow-up to the trade fair, offers are to be sent to 20 different countries.

Admittedly, a reluctance to buy and uncertainty can be felt, especially among German customers. However, that depends on the construction industry in which it works: in road and pipeline construction everything is still going well at a high level, in building construction and landscaping the order situation is declining. Nevertheless, the mood was good and you could tell that people were hungry for personal contacts, exchange and hands-on products. Almost all of our dealers have drawn a positive conclusion. With our products there was not a “hit” – all vehicle types with their robust construction and the special equipment shown were very well received. An eye-catcher was certainly our overdesigned 18t three-way tipper with the low loading height of 1.13m. Or the 21t tandem low-loader with electro-hydraulic ramp operation and 16.7t payload. But even with our mini low-loader, many agreed: there was no other such robust, overrun-braked mini low-loader to be seen at bauma! Incidentally, you can find the exhibited products with technical descriptions individually under “Types & Models” in the individual trailer categories on our homepage behind a caterpillar vehicle icon.



The summer weather, which was not to be expected at the end of October, was certainly conducive to the positive course of the trade fair. While it was still pouring at the start of the trade fair on Monday, the weather got sunnier and warmer every day. Until 25°C T-shirt weather was reached on Saturday.

So we keep bauma 2022 in good memory as a “summer fair” and look forward to the next event from April 4th to 13th 2025.

Our bauma 2022 trade fair team would like to thank all interested parties, dealers and suppliers for your visit and the lively, friendly exchange! We hope to have gained their trust in our products and our company. The offers that are still open will be sent to you in the next few days – we are still in the middle of the trade fair follow-up! (11/10/2022)

Cordula und Joachim Wenzel, Michael Raderkopp, Christian Quiring, Jonas Voßebürger und Frank Hüttmann


bauma 2022 will open its doors soon!

Soon it will finally be that time again: Bauma 2022 will open its doors!
From October 24th to October 30th, 2022 we would like to welcome you to our stand FN721/1 in the outdoor area. We are exhibiting a large number of innovations on our vehicles there: the focus is certainly on the new underride protection that we have designed and had certified for our vehicles in recent months. For example, all heavy trailers and commercial vehicles newly registered from July 2022 require reinforced underride protection in accordance with ECE R58-03, the technical requirements of which have been greatly tightened in terms of force, connection to the chassis, overhang and height above the ground, which is particularly important for trailers with fixed trailers at the rear ramps was a big challenge!

We had set ourselves the premise of retaining our tried-and-tested and popular ramp spring lifting mechanism with the springs under the loading area for the low-loaders and two-way tippers. For us, as a nearly 60-year-old family vehicle construction company, this has proven to be extremely robust, low-maintenance, less risk of injury and easy to use. In addition, the protection of the lighting system should be guaranteed as best as possible! As a vehicle manufacturer, we could now have relied on the purchase of already tested URP from component manufacturers – but only with difficulty if we retained our robust vehicle construction. Our technology has therefore itself designed new URP from 4.5-25t GG with connection, which best meet the requirements of the customers and can be used with most low-loaders, tippers and chassis. These new URP will now be presented for the first time at Bauma 2022!

So that the sensitive and expensive lighting is still well protected, it will be installed in the URP in the future. The same applies to the number plate with lighting, which will still be clearly visible. The necessary lane keeping/position lights are attached to the side of the URP so that the wiring is well protected in the URP. If dirt collects in the URP, it can be flushed out through the slots in the floor!

For this innovative achievement, we are now also being supported by the federal government as a small, medium-sized company when participating in the leading international trade fair “Bauma”, which we are very proud of!

In the heavy low-loader and tipper segment in particular, we are presenting other major innovations:
A 21t tandem low-loader with a payload of 17t will be shown at the Bauma, which has a newly designed electro-hydraulic ramp lifter that is very easy to operate using a wireless remote control. The towing vehicle does not need a hydraulic connection, only a powerful power connection to operate the heavy ramps.

The tandem three-way tipper type 890/18000 with single tires has been redesigned and, despite the wide 385/55 R 22.5 tires, will now only have an overall height of approx. 1.10 m! And that with inserted aluminum loading rails with a payload of up to 12t. The vehicle with a loading area length of 5.50 m, 600 mm high steel side walls, a robust parabolic spring unit for construction site use and HARDOX floor is therefore ideally suited for transporting construction machinery with a dead weight of 12 t as well as for bulk goods that can be tipped using the new tailgate release.

We are looking forward to your visit!

Parade of the new underrun protections

As we informed you last year, from July 2022 all newly registered vehicles will require a reinforced and tested underrun protection in accordance with ECE R58-03. Here you find our information on this topic: New underrun protection for tippers, low bed trailers with slide-in ramps and platform trailers

The design and acceptance of the new URP for low-loaders with fixed ramps presented us (and many other vehicle manufacturers as well) with a major challenge and was not easy to implement. We had set ourselves the premise of retaining our proven and popular ramp spring lifting mechanism with the springs underneath the loading area. This is extremely robust, low-maintenance, adjustable, low risk of injury and easy to use. And the protection of the vulnerable lighting system should be guaranteed as best as possible.

We have now completely succeeded in this: see the parade of Blomenröhr low loaders and tippers in a new look with tested underride protection in accordance with ECE R58-03!

Tandem low bed trailer model 688/18000 with reinforced underrun protection in accordance with ECE R58-03

Tandem two-way tipper model 895/11900 with reinforced underrun protection in accordance with ECE R58-03

Tandem low bed trailer model 695/11900 with inserted ramps – and new UFS

Tandem three-way tipper and low-loader model 884/11900 with new underrun protection and complete LED equipment as well as LED auxiliary rear lights

So that the lighting (whether with light bulbs or as full LED equipment) is very well protected, it will be installed in the URP in the future. The same applies to the number plate with lighting, which must still be clearly visible. The necessary lane keeping/position lights are attached to the side of the URP so that the wiring is well protected in the UFS. If dirt accumulates in the URP, it can be flushed out through the slots in the floor.

In the future, all UFS will receive a label with a test certificate and release number:

This means that we can continue to deliver all vehicles with COC/EG type approval!

Blomenröhr Fahrzeugbau GmbH, 15.7.2022


New underrun protection for tippers, low bed trailers with slide-in ramps and platform trailers

Since September 1rst, 2021, new legal requirements for rear underrun protections (RUP) have been in effect for trailers with EC type approval – and from July 2022 also for vehicles with individual TÜV approval.

That is why our tippers, low bed trailers with inserted ramps, chassis and also flatbed vehicles will soon have a new, elegant design at the rear! We designed our own RUP for our vehicles and had it checked and approved by the TÜV Nord. Here you can see what our vehicles (without fixed ramps) will look like in the future and what advantages the new RUP offers you:

So that the sensitive and expensive lighting (here LED lights) is still well protected, it will be installed in the RUP in the future. The same applies to the number plate with lighting, which will still be clearly visible. The necessary lane warning / position lights are attached to the side of the RUP so that the wiring is well protected in the RUP. If dirt collects in the RUP, it can be rinsed out through the slots in the floor!

You can read more information on the subject of why a new underrun protection must be attached to trailers and what is changing here according to R58-03 in our “Infothek” (available only in German):

Wieso gibt es einen neuen Unterfahrschutz bei Anhängern? Was ändert sich beim Unterfahrschutz gemäß R58-03?


Tailor-made low loaders for road marking machines of all sizes!

Road marking machines with a very long wheelbase and low ground clearance can only be loaded on special low-loaders. Each machine is individually configured by the respective manufacturer for the needs of the customer – special attachments are the order of the day. Since frequent loading and moving of the machines is part of the daily work program, it must be possible to secure the machines quickly and easily.

At the request of road marking companies, we have already designed and built a number of low loaders in a wide variety of sizes: experience has shown that the machines require an approach angle of approx. 9 ° and a very flat kink point so that they do not get stuck when approaching. For smaller machines with a dead weight of 3000-6000kg, a drive-through low loader is usually sufficient, which is equipped with particularly long ramps and an extended ramp. The maximum width between the drop sides is 2.03 m here.

See in our brochure which of our vehicle types can be used for the transport of your machine and which equipment variants are available!
Prospekt Tieflader für Fahrbahnmarkierungs-Maschinen Innenbreite 2,m

Further information can also be found on our homepage under special vehicles:Link to our homepage “special vehicles”

or you can watch a video, how quickly and easily our low loader can be loaded with a road marking machine!

The low loader can be offered with or without a tarpaulin structure, with a closed tail lift or individual ramps, with warning lighting by means of speed cameras or rotating beacons and with a bolt or maneuvering coupling on the front wall to secure the machine.

For heavier road marking machines or those that require a drive-through width of more than 2.0 m, we have designed an innovative low-loader with a tiltable loading area with a continuous drive-on angle of 9 °. Using an electric hydraulic pump, the front loading area is raised in no time by two hydraulic cylinders, which enables a wide variety of marking machines to be loaded very conveniently and quickly. The loading of machines up to a dead weight of 7300kg / 7800kg (without / with tarpaulin structure) is possible on this low loader.

Here, too, there are some special equipment variants. For example, it is possible to easily raise the ramps using an electrohydraulic pump, attach the pin coupling to various positions on the bulkhead or use the low-loader without a tarpaulin roof frame:

You find our matching brochure here: ankippbarer Tieflader Typ 1020/10500

We only use components from well-known manufacturers for all of our low-loaders! This significantly extends the service life of the low-loader and ensures a fast and reliable supply of spare parts. The robust frame construction and the excellent paintwork are also decisive for a long service life. The steel components are all welded and not riveted or bolted. We are happy to take your wishes and requirements for special equipment into account – if you have a need, simply contact us for a non-binding offer.